Friends of Ancells Farm in Fleet, Hampshire, was founded in December 2010 by local residents who were concerned about the condition of the children’s play park. Working with the newly-formed Fleet Town Council, we created a new play area for children that was safe, fun and accessible.
Since then, we have planted hundreds of hedges and other beautiful plants around the Park installed bike racks, benches and seating areas, play equipment for all age ranges and in conjunction with Fleet Town Council & Hart FC, have brought the football pitch back into use & renovated the sports pavilion. We have also worked with local volunteers to obtain and install a community defibrillator outside the Community Centre.
We also organise community events like picnics, Easter egg hunts, pub quizzes and carol singing at Christmas.
We couldn’t have done it without the help of our local community, who have worked together to make Ancells Park one of the most popular parks in Fleet.
We are proud to be the first ever recipients of the Fleet and Church Crookham in Bloom & Fleet Town Council’s Chairman’s Cup for Parks in 2012 and have also won their Pegasus Cup in 2013.
We also hold a Level 4 (Thriving) award from the Royal Horticultural Society’s It’s Your Neighbourhood campaign, which supports local community groups in greening their local environment.
Our vision is to ensure that Ancells Park provides an attractive, safe and welcoming environment for the benefit and enjoyment of the local community.
We choose our projects based on this vision, and on our project criteria. Friends of Ancells Farm projects must benefit the local community, provide maximum impact for our efforts, promote community spirit, have longevity… and be fun!